Saturday, January 23, 2010


Nothing is permanent in this world except change.

To hold on to something as permanent, for life, and eternal is an absurdity. Everything is uncertain. Nothing is perpetual. What you have now may be gone tomorrow.

When one falls in love, he gives all.. Not knowing that he has to leave some for himself. He doesn't see wrong for he makes himself blind… blinded by the strong emotions that even logic and heart failed to interpret and provide reasons. Reality is far from sight.

Though feelings are strong indicators of doubts, still, one confines himself to momentary happiness. Suspicions are never entertained till the day comes that he could no longer run away from it.. till he is faced-to- faced with who to keep and who to let go.. Choice… good choice… best decision.

From the excruciating pain of the past, one has to move on… learn and let go.
LEARN. Be hurt once but never twice. It’s plain inanity. Harbor not grudges; rather trust no one that easily. Logic still exists despite failures. Be not deceived by sweet words and promises. It might consume you to death the next time.

But despite the scars left by the wounds of the past, one could not keep his heart from beating… from loving again… ‘Tis what makes humans different. We love.. we get hurt.. yet we love again.. might be hurt again…Does that mean we learn not?

No… the heart still beats.. the eyes still see beauty… gather all the roses while you may… youth is not a forever glory… it fades when one ages… love if you still could… but stop if you should…

Be ready to shed tears when things fall out of place… AGAIN…
Told you, be fooled once, but never twice… Listen to your heart if he speaks of doubts and suspicions.. Gather your thoughts… Numb not yourself from the pain… if it hurts, then let go.. Do not hold on to something that would never be yours…

It feels good to be in love… probably why people risk all for it… Love is all that matters. But why are there thorns and storms in every relationship? Because we tend to love more than we should… Because we ask for more though we’ve been given all…

Human nature…

Never stop falling in love… just LEARN…cry if you should but do not anguish… be ready to get hurt… then love again…

Experiences, pains, tears – all these make us better than yesterday… the best tomorrow…

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